Corewar documentation 1.0.0
▼ include | |
corewar.h | The header of the corewar project |
my.h | The header file of the libmy |
mylist.h | The header file of the libmylist |
mymemory.h | The header file of the libmymemory |
myop.h | The header file of the op |
▼ lib | |
► my | |
► my_printf | |
find_format.c | The file that contains functions for find all format |
flag_a.c | The file containing the flag_a function |
flag_b.c | The file containing the flag_b function |
flag_biga.c | The file containing the flag_biga function |
flag_bigd.c | The file containing the flag_bigd function |
flag_bige.c | The file containing the flag_bige function |
flag_bigf.c | The file containing the flag_bigf function |
flag_bigg.c | The file containing the flag_bigg function |
flag_bigs.c | The file containing the flag_bigs function |
flag_bigx.c | The file containing the flag_bigx function |
flag_c.c | The file containing the flag_c function |
flag_d.c | The file containing the flag_d function |
flag_e.c | The file containing the flag_e function |
flag_f.c | The file containing the flag_f function |
flag_g.c | The file containing the flag_g function |
flag_i.c | The file containing the flag_i function |
flag_m.c | The file containing the flag_m function |
flag_n.c | The file containing the flag_n function |
flag_o.c | The file containing the flag_o function |
flag_p.c | The file containing the flag_p function |
flag_percent.c | The file containing the flag_percent function |
flag_s.c | The file containing the flag_s function |
flag_u.c | The file containing the flag_u function |
flag_x.c | The file containing the flag_x function |
flags.c | The file containing the flags function |
format_it_char.c | The file containing the format_it_char function |
format_it_double.c | The file containing the format_it_double function |
format_it_int.c | The file containing the format_it_int function |
format_it_str.c | The file containing the format_it_str function |
get_format.c | The file containing the get_format function |
my_show_formating.c | The file containing the my_show_formating function |
myprintf.h | The file containing the header of all formats and flags |
precise_it_double.c | The file containing the precise_it_double function |
precise_it_int.c | The file containing the precise_it_int function |
round_flag_a.c | The file containing the round_flag_a function |
specifier_base.c | The file containing the specifier_base function |
specifier_int.c | The file containing the specifier_int function |
sub_format_char.c | The file containing the sub_format_char functions |
sub_format_double.c | The file containing the sub_format_double functions |
sub_format_int.c | The functions for format an int |
sub_format_str.c | The file containing the sub_format_str functions |
my.h | The header file of the libmy |
my_add_chr.c | The file containing the my_add_chr function |
my_array_len.c | The file containing the my_array_len function |
my_char_is.c | The file containing the my_char_is function |
my_char_is_alpha.c | The file containing the my_char_is_alpha function |
my_char_is_num.c | The file containing the my_char_is_num function |
my_char_is_printable.c | The file containing the my_char_is_printable function |
my_compute_factorial_rec.c | The file containing the my_compute_factorial_rec function |
my_compute_power_rec.c | The file containing the my_compute_power_rec function |
my_compute_power_rec_size_t.c | The file containing the my_compute_power_rec_size_t function |
my_compute_square_root.c | The file containing the my_compute_square_root function |
my_concat_params.c | The file containing the my_concat_params function |
my_convert_base.c | The file containing the my_convert_base function |
my_convert_base_size_t.c | The file containing the my_convert_base_size_t function |
my_convert_base_unsigned.c | The file containing the my_convert_base_unsigned function |
my_count_letter.c | The file containing the my_count_letter function |
my_find_nbr.c | The file containing the my_find_nbr function |
my_find_prime_inf.c | The file containing the my_find_prime_inf function |
my_find_prime_sup.c | The file containing the my_find_prime_sup function |
my_fprintf.c | The file containing the my_fprintf function |
my_free_array.c | The file containing the my_free_array function |
my_free_ptr.c | The file containing the my_free_ptr function |
my_get_char_index.c | The file containing the my_get_char_index function |
my_get_last_char.c | The file containing the my_get_last_char function |
my_getnbr.c | The file containing the my_getnbr function |
my_getnbr_base.c | The file containing the my_getnbr_base function |
my_getnbr_float.c | The file containing the my_getnbr_float function |
my_is_prime.c | The file containing the my_is_prime function |
my_isneg.c | The file containing the my_isneg function |
my_nbrlen.c | The file containing the my_nbrlen function |
my_params_to_array.c | The file containing the my_params_to_array function |
my_print_combn.c | The file containing the my_print_combn function |
my_print_params.c | The file containing the my_print_params function |
my_printf.c | The file containing the my_printf function |
my_putchar.c | The file containing the my_putchar function |
my_putnbr.c | The file containing the my_putnbr function |
my_putnbr_base.c | The file containing the my_putnbr_base function |
my_putstr.c | The file containing the my_putstr function |
my_putstr_error.c | The file containing the my_putstr_error function |
my_putstr_fd.c | The file containing the my_putstr_fd function |
my_putstr_fd_free.c | The file containing the my_putstr_fd_free function |
my_putstr_sized.c | The file containing the my_putstr_sized function |
my_replace_char.c | The file containing the my_replace_char function |
my_rev_params.c | The file containing the my_rev_params function |
my_revstr.c | The file containing the my_revstr function |
my_round_float_str.c | The file containing the my_round_float_str function |
my_show_param_array.c | The file containing the my_show_param_array function |
my_show_word_array.c | The file containing the my_show_word_array function |
my_showmem.c | The file containing the my_showmem function |
my_showstr.c | The file containing the my_showstr function |
my_sort_int_array.c | The file containing the my_sort_int_array function |
my_sort_params.c | The file containing the my_sort_params function |
my_str_contains.c | The file containing the my_str_contains function |
my_str_is.c | The file containing the my_str_is function |
my_str_isalpha.c | The file containing the my_str_isalpha function |
my_str_islower.c | The file containing the my_str_islower function |
my_str_isnum.c | The file containing the my_str_isnum function |
my_str_isprintable.c | The file containing the my_str_isprintable function |
my_str_isupper.c | The file containing the my_str_isupper function |
my_str_nbr.c | The file containing the my_str_nbr function |
my_str_nbr_base_long_long_int.c | The file containing the my_str_nbr_base_long_long_int function |
my_str_nbr_base_unsigned.c | The file containing the my_str_nbr_base_unsigned function |
my_str_nbr_base_unsigned_long.c | The file containing the my_str_nbr_base_unsigned_long function |
my_str_nbr_base_unsigned_short.c | The file containing the my_str_nbr_base_unsigned_short function |
my_str_nbr_base_unsigned_short_short.c | The file containing the my_str_nbr_base_unsigned_short_short function |
my_str_nbr_base_unsigned_size_t.c | The file containing the my_str_nbr_base_unsigned_size_t function |
my_str_nbr_long_long.c | The file containing the my_str_nbr_long_long function |
my_str_nbr_short.c | The file containing the my_str_nbr_short function |
my_str_nbr_short_short.c | The file containing the my_str_nbr_short_short function |
my_str_nbr_size_t.c | The file containing the my_str_nbr_size_t function |
my_str_nbr_unsigned.c | The file containing the my_str_nbr_unsigned function |
my_str_nbr_unsigned_long.c | The file containing the my_str_nbr_unsigned_long function |
my_str_to_word_array.c | The file containing the my_str_to_word_array function |
my_str_to_word_array_select.c | The file containing the my_str_to_word_array_select function |
my_str_to_word_array_string.c | The file containing the my_str_to_word_array_string function |
my_strcapitalize.c | The file containing the my_strcapitalize function |
my_strcat.c | The file containing the my_strcat function |
my_strcmp.c | The file containing the my_strcmp function |
my_strcpy.c | The file containing the my_strcpy function |
my_strdup.c | The file containing the my_strdup function |
my_strdup_word_array.c | The file containing the my_strdup_word_array function |
my_strerror.c | The file containing the my_strerror function |
my_strict_find_nbr.c | The file containing the my_strict_find_nbr function |
my_strict_getnbr.c | The file containing the my_strict_getnbr function |
my_strict_getnbr_float.c | The file containing the my_strict_getnbr_float function |
my_strlen.c | The file containing the my_strlen function |
my_strlowcase.c | The file containing the my_strlowcase function |
my_strncat.c | The file containing the my_strncat function |
my_strncmp.c | The file containing the my_strncmp function |
my_strncpy.c | The file containing the my_strncpy function |
my_strndup.c | The file containing the my_strndup function |
my_strstr.c | The file containing the my_strstr function |
my_strupcase.c | The file containing the my_strupcase function |
my_super_array.c | The file containing the my_super_array function |
my_super_number.c | The file containing the my_super_number function |
my_swap.c | The file containing the my_swap function |
► mylist | |
my.h | The header file of the libmy |
my_concat_list.c | The file containing the my_concat_list function |
my_delete_list.c | The file containing the my_delete_list function |
my_delete_nodes.c | The file containing the my_delete_nodes function |
my_find_node.c | The file containing the my_find_node function |
my_list_size.c | The file containing the my_list_size function |
my_list_size_circled.c | The file containing the my_list_siz_circled function |
my_list_to_array.c | The file containing the my_list_to_array function |
my_merge_list.c | The file containing the my_merge_list function |
my_params_to_list.c | The file containing the my_params_to_list function |
my_pop_back.c | The file containing the my_pop_back function |
my_pop_front.c | The file containing the my_pop_front function |
my_pop_node.c | The file containing the my_pop_node function |
my_previous_to_next.c | The file containing the my_previous_to_next function |
my_push_back.c | The file containing the my_push_back function |
my_push_back_circled.c | The file containing the my_push_back_circled function |
my_push_front.c | The file containing the my_push_front function |
my_rev_list.c | The file containing the my_rev_list function |
my_show_list.c | The file containing the my_show_list function |
my_sort_list.c | The file containing the my_sort_list function |
mylist.h | The header file of the libmylist |
► mymemory | |
my.h | The header file of the libmy |
my_calloc.c | The file containing the my_calloc function |
my_free.c | The file containing the my_free function |
my_malloc.c | The file containing the my_malloc function |
my_malloc_strdup.c | The file containing the my_malloc_strdup function |
my_malloc_strdup_word_array.c | The file containing the my_malloc_strdup_word_array function |
my_malloc_strndup.c | The file containing the my_malloc_strndup function |
my_memchr.c | The file containing the my_memchr function |
my_memcmp.c | The file containing the my_memcmp function |
my_memmove.c | The file containing the my_memmove function |
my_memset.c | The file containing the my_memset function |
my_realloc.c | The file containing the my_realloc function |
mylist.h | The header file of the libmylist |
mymemory.h | The header file of the libmymemory |
▼ src | |
arena.c | The file containing the arena functions |
champion.c | The file containing the champion functions |
header.c | The file containing the header functions |
main.c | The main file of the project |
op.c | The file containing the op_tab |
parsing.c | The file containing the parsing functions |
read_file.c | The file containing the functions for reading a file |
▼ tests | |
test_my_lib.c | Unit tests for each function of the my lib |
test_my_printf.c | Unit tests for each function of the my_printf |
test_mycsfml_lib.c | Unit tests for each function of the mycsfml lib |
test_myhashtable_lib.c | Unit tests for each function of the myhashtable lib |
test_mylist_lib.c | Unit tests for each function of the mylist lib |
test_mymemory_lib.c | Unit tests for each function of the mymemory lib |